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Lie To Me

This is one television show that can help your career.  Lie to Me, on Fox with new episodes starting on Monday, June 7 at 8/7 central uses entertainment to teach you how to read people's true emotions.

Because of watching the show I have been able to detect someone lying on more than one occasion.  Think how much that could help you when hiring, resolving employee issues, trying to sell someone or other interaction! 

The show is a drama series inspired by the scientific discoveries of a real-life psychologist (Dr. Paul Ekman) who can read clues embedded in the human face, body and voice to expose the truth and lies in criminal investigations.

As the show website describes, Tim Roth plays Dr. Cal Lightman, who is the world's leading deception expert.  If you lie to Lightman, he sees it in your face and your posture or hears it in your voice.  If you shrug your shoulder, rotate your hand or even just slightly raise your lower lip, Lightman will spot the lie.  By analyzing facial expressions and involuntary body language, he can read feelings ranging from hidden resentment to sexual attraction to jealousy.

Again, just think what this skill could do for your professional and even personal relationships.  It might be great, or it could cause problems as you start noticing reactions you previously overlooked.


LIE TO ME is about learning a new skill in an entertaining way.  This is an opportunity for you and your people to learn how to better relate to others, unless it plays to their fears.

If nothing else I recommend you consider two content areas on the Lie to Me show site as interactive exercises to add to a meeting.  Here they are:

1.  Play a guessing game with a series of photos with descriptions of the key aspects of each micro expression (what to look for).  Copy the photos.  Add them to a PowerPoint deck.  Cover the answer in each slide and have people guess the answer.  Then show the answer.  Ask if they have seen that expression recently and if they care to share on whom...

2.  Access this site online to try some different games based on the show.  It's great for group interaction:

3.  Ask if anyone wants to volunteer to take Dr. Paul Ekman's course and report back to the group on what they learned.  If someone is interested, have your company pay for it as long as they report back to the group.