Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Sharpen Your Axe
Day 7
Are you applying one of President Abraham Lincoln's simplest leadership tips? He once said: "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."
Working hard will not help you achieve your dreams. Working smartincreases your odds for success.
When you take a Sanctuary break today to clear you mind, why not pose one of these questions to yourself?
- Is the sales script our telemarketers using as strong as it could be?
- Is our current marketing message clearly communicating our strongest value?
- How are our people confirming Client satisfaction at the end of each ticket, project, call...?
- Which employee needs sincere encouragement from me today?
- Which loyal Client needs to have me call them to thank them for their business and just see how they are doing today?
- (You may have a question that is better aligns with your specific needs...)
Why not pause... and sharpen your axe? None of these actions take a long time. Where appropriate, note a Client conversation in your CRM as an activity or an employee discussion in MANAGEtoWIN as a log event.
Let me know if you need help.
Thank You.
Be a Systematic Leader because inconsistency hurts.
David Russell, CEO