Manage 2 Win

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Day 110 | Review Process

Many of you are wrapping-up your 2013 employee performance review process.  Here is the simple yet comprehensive review process that we develop with our Clients.  I recommend you follow it in 2014:

  1. Practice Sanctuary weekly (see my January 29 blog post).
  2. Define a strategic plan for each employee that includes clear, measurable goals;  behavioral expectations;  and a career path (and more, but those are the "moving parts.")  Job descriptions are dead, static documents.  Engage people with strategic plans for their success.
  3. Require each direct report to submit their 3Strands to you weekly and hold them accountable to it.
  4. Automate your annual review process in MANAGEtoWIN.  (There are several unique things we recommend in regards to designing your annual performance review form also.)

If you are not doing this, then make changes NOW so you fully engage your people throughout 2014.

There are other activities that are important to be an inspirational and effective 3Strands LEADER, but this system replaces the once-a-year agonies of painful employee performance reviews with motivational Halftime Reviews.


  1. How did you do on your 3Strands this week?
  2. At the end of today or at least before 9:00 a.m. Monday take Sanctuary time and hold yourself accountable to this week's 3Strands and define your 3Strands for next week?

Stay on track.