Webinar With Robin Robins

JUST A HEADS UP!  We thought all our clients might benefit from this:

5 Sales Killing Mistakes Most MSPs Make and How to Avoid Them with Robin Robins

If you want to know the absolute BEST way to secure more high-profit, managed services contracts, don't miss this session. During this presentation, Marketing Guru Robin Robins will talk about what's working right now for IT business owners to not only convert most of their clients to managed services, but also how to secure new contracts, quickly and easily. You'll learn:

  • The biggest mistakes 97% all MSPs make when marketing managed services that is causing them to turn off new prospects and devalue what they are selling.

  • How to stop competing on price and secure top dollar for your services.

  • The absolute BEST marketing strategy for drawing in more qualified prospects than you ever thought possible; implement this and your competition doesn't stand a chance.

  • What marketing works best for selling managed services, and which ones will drain your wallet and waste your time.

  • Surprisingly inexpensive ways to get more appointments with new clients.

5 Sales Killing Mistakes MSPs Make and How to Avoid Them 

Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2010  DATE CHANGE (Used to be the 15th)

Time: 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EST     REGISTER!!!

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


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