Big Deal

This will be brief (holiday week).

I did a company culture SWOT with a great client last week in Reno, IQ Systems.  They are an impressive organization for many reasons, but I found it interesting that their management team last year made a group commitment to lose weight.  We did not dwell on how they did it, but it was clear the group accountability helped several of them to each  lose more than 50 pounds.

Are you tired?  Stressed out?  Do you want to live longer?  Maybe losing weight should be a top priority for you (and your team?) in 2012.

Zig Ziglar, the great salesman and motivational speaker, talked about his weight problem decades ago.  He made a commitment to lose one quarter of a pound a day.  He also dedicated himself to running or walking one more block for exercise each day.  (I don't know how long his route got before he stopped expanding it.)  He lost over 60 pounds and is still going strong.

Arlin Sorenson of HTG has lost 50 pounds over the past year and encourages others to do the same.  Wendy Gauntt of CIO Services lost 70 pounds in 2011.

I encourage you to make your health a #1 priority in 2012.  You are too special to let this situation slow or stop your ability to live life to its fullest.

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Whether it is weight loss, exercise, stopping smoking, alcoholism, or another health issue, put it on the table with your people as you finalize your key goals for 2012.

An open conversation followed by commitment, accountability, and encouragement is how life transformation occurs when people are faced with this type of situation.  Here are a few brief ideas.

1.  Identify a potential issue you want to work on, but have an open discussion with your team.  Your people may want to focus on a different health-related challenge.  However, if you feel something is negatively affecting your people, then drive an optional program for them to embrace positive change in that area.

2.  Find people who have successfully overcome the issue and consider having them speak to your team over a series of meetings.

3.  Have a discussion with your employees.  If they were to choose one area of their health that they would like to focus on improving in 2012, what would it be?

Have a great New Year's!

If you need help, contact me.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

It's Complicated


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