You are racing as fast as you can to "success." In your rush, what did you miss that might be important? What "roadkill" is in your rearview mirror? 1. Did you miss one of my first two 20 Mile Challenge webinars? Watch them on YouTube only through Sunday: 2. Your spouse. 3. Your kids. 4. Relationships with extended family and friends. Example: Joe Cram of Solid Networks is one of the most successful MSP's I know. He is a workaholic, yet when I have had access to his calendar I regularly see him set aside time to spend with his family. This is very wise. Consider this leadership lesson from the apostle Paul in one of his letters to Timothy: "If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?" Replace the words "God's church" with the name of your business or team of people you manage. How can we experience meaningful work if we have abandoned our family? If you are honest in assessing your work/life balance, then Paul's challenge to consider what roadkill is in your rearview mirror is chilling. There are two things we can leave behind when we die: 1. Our impact on other people, be it positive or negative. For instance, if we take care of our clients but forsake our personal relationships then we are fools. I have made that mistake. I speak from a painful past. 2. Our impact on the beneficiaries who will control our assets and invest them after we are gone. (Will they do what we want?) As we approach the halfway mark of Q1 2013, please spend some Sanctuary time this weekend making certain you are on the "right road" for success, however you define that to be. If you need a sounding board to define your 20 Mile Challenge this year - the discipline and focus to achieve something meaningful without killing yourself, then email me to schedule a brief conversation. If you are reading this newsletter then we are on a journey together. Maybe we can both benefit from a 15 minute conversation. Remember... You Are An Intentional Leader. David Russell, CEO