Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / How Memorable Is Your Advice?

Day 61

As we close out the week and ACHIEVE OUR 3STRANDS...  I suggest you consider whether your coaching, mentoring, teaching... is being fully absorbed and applied by your team members, or not.

What's the trick?  Give them a memory that motivates the behavior.

Andrew McCart, in a recent talk referred to a story about a custodian.  I suggest this story, which you may have heard before, should challenge leaders (including me) how to more effectively teach others.  Here is the story

A certain private school in Washington, D.C. was faced with a unique problem. A number of 12-year-old girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the bathroom. That was fine, but after they put on their lipstick they would press their lips to the mirror leaving dozens of little lip prints.

Every night, the maintenance man would to remove lip prints, and the next day, the girls would put them back on the mirror. Finally, the custodian decided that something had to be done, so he reported the situation to the principal. 

The principal agreed, and she called all the girls to the bathroom and met them there with the maintenance man. She explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem for the custodian who had to clean the mirrors every night.

To demonstrate how difficult it had been to clean the mirrors, she asked the maintenance man to show the girls how much effort was required to clean the mirror. So he took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it in the toilet several times, and cleaned the mirror with it. 

Since then, no more lip prints on the mirror. 

Here is my suggestion for one of your 3Strands next week:  Choose one point you want to make to an individual or group, and figure a creative way to make that point morememorable.

Have an incredibly wonderful day.  Enjoy your Sanctuary time confirming the achievement of your 3Strands and planning next week's BOLD MOVES!

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Client Experience ... Starbucks vs. Peet's


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