Game Face?

I was recently reading an "expert's" recommendation to motivate your people to put on their game face and turn on their work personality...

Oh... make me puke.  That's right, let's all be a bunch of shallow phonies!

Wake up!  If you have to get your people to "put on their game face" then you are going to have a "shame face" when they let a client down.  Posers are not superstars.  Top performers have a natural positivity, achievement record, love what they do, and do what they love.

No turning on of a work personality is necessary.

Take a moment this morning to pause and think of each person on your team.  Does anyone have to put on their game face to perform at a top level?

If so, then that is a problem.  Work on solving it before that person lets you down (again?).  Or maybe they are a great player on your team, but they need your support through a rough patch right now.  Either way, be intentional.  Engage, or start a fair process to prove performance or disengage.

P.S.  Ryan Barton, the visionary leader of Mainstay Technologies has pushed me to agree to add a Charm School course on Ownership.  He has a great team and his people really own / take responsibility for results, but he does not want to lose that as they continue to grow rapidly.

Do you have any suggestions or questions about employees taking ownership for results?  If so, email me and I will consider including your perspective or needs in the training.


  1. Did you take Sanctuary time over the weekend to improve your focus?
  2. How did you do on your 3Strands last week?
  3. Have you defined your 3Strands for this week?
  4. By 9:00 a.m. this morning you should have 3Strands emails from each of your direct reports.

Stay on track.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

Employee to Employee Accountability


Leadership Dementia