Original vs. Copy

Your competitors can copy your services, pricing, sales website, marketing programs...  they can even "copy" you by recruiting your employees.

BUT their copy of the best attributes of your company will never match the original if you have a strong Ownership Culture.

Why can't they beat you at your own game IF you are investing in your leadership skills and sustaining an Ownership Culture?

  1. An original Ownership Culture has a foundation of meaningful work that lives within every one of your employees, starting with you.  It is not a task list.
  2. Every copy is less than the original because the copiers do not comprehend the depth of the original vision.
  3. Employees own every aspect of success for an original, whereas they rent themselves as contract labor to complete the tasks of a copy.
  4. An original is a first generation of passion that uniquely seeks to improve the world whereas a copy is always playing catch-up.
  5. A copy tries to be significant whereas an original looks beyond something cool to pursue a vision of something extraordinary.

Is your business an original or a copy?  Are you doing everything you can to build your foundational culture?  These are some thoughts for a life-changing weekend.


  1. How are you doing on your 3strands this week?
  2. Is the work remaining to complete this week's 3strands scheduled in your calendar so you can work uninterrupted?
  3. Have you scheduled your Sanctuary time later today or over the weekend for personal accountability and focus?

Stay on track.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Narrative of Promise


Ownership Insights