It's Time to Train Your Leaders
Every year the effectiveness of your management team determines your results.
Managers don't just assign tasks and drive them to completion. They develop relationships with their team and counterparts. They comfort, console, instruct, and act as a guide. When your front-line employee encounters a crisis, the first person they turn to is not going to be the CEO, it's going to be their manager. The skills and wisdom of the manager will determine whether the crisis is averted or inflamed, and whether the employee is empowered or deflated.
As Victor Lipman says in his Forbes article titled 10 Reasons Why Companies Should Invest More In Management Training:
"An employee's relationship with his or her direct manager is the most important single factor in employee engagement."
That's just the first reason. There are nine more.
How much better would your team leaders be if they could get 6 months of one on one coaching and group training? From our experience, the improvement is palpable.
Alan Lawson, Service Delivery Manager at PICS ITech, found our Certified LEADER program to be transformational:
Alan Lawson
Service Delivery Manager, PICS ITech
I found that learning how to communicate with people through physical queues, good cop bad cop, delegation, accountability, and Sincere Gratitude gave me the most value.
As a very introverted person, I found this course invaluable towards guiding me through the maze of questions involving social interaction, engaging people, and learning the ins and outs of management. I highly recommend this course to everyone because I know that every person can find the value and be a 3Strand Leader.
This is just one example of how one manager improved their management skills. We have countless others.
Don't wait to train your management team. Whether it's an internal program or a formal, professional management training program like our Certified Leader Program, develop your managers now to make certain you hire the best people, achieve maximum efficiencies from your technical resources, and have a thriving company culture.
We only have 5 openings left in our Certified Leader Program that begins in early January.
Register one or more participants before December 31st to receive $250 off the first month!
Strengthen your leadership team, including yourself, so 2019 will be your best year ever!