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It's Complicated

Early in the movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (Part 1 was boring;  Part 2 was great), Harry is questioning Mr. Ollivander.  The wand maker responds, "It's complicated."

Months ago I asked my spiritual mentor, Father Thomas, a question and he had responded, "It's complicated."

As we start the new year, I suggest you more fully comprehend that much of what you do as a leader has complications.  Therefore there may be value in responding at times, "It's complicated."  It is certainly an understatement when you consider your responsibilities as a leader.

Here is why an "It's complicated" response may have value:

1.  It buys you time to think.  Maybe minutes.  It might be days.  Time also gives a situation the opportunity to develop further, emotions to subside, and new insights to reveal themselves.

2.  A delay in providing an answer can encourage the other person or people to think, and suggest their own solution or perspective.

3.  Starting with, "It's complicated," gives you the opportunity to teach multiple sides of an issue.  For instance, from the client's perspective, your company's objectives, and the desired result of the person asking the question.

Too often leaders allow themselves to forced act like a computer even though we have more control over our environment than a tool.  You enter a question in a computer and it instantly gives an answer.  Yes, often a quick answer is needed...  but is it ALWAYS needed immediately?

Have you ever considered how often the answer from the search on your computer is wrong?

That is because getting to the best answer is often complicated.

So maybe this week you should try answering a few questions with, "It's complicated.  What do you think?"  Then provide some perspective and encourage additional thought before deciding upon an action to take.

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Part of being an effective leader, whether you are the top dog or just a puppy getting started in business, is how you respond to people's demands on your time and authority.

The "It's complicated" approach can be effective at many levels of your organization if it is used sparingly, sincerely, and the answer requested is provided within the timeframe promised.

Here are some ideas on how to discuss this with your team:

1.  What questions or demands could a client make where an "It's complicated" response could provide a more positive experience?  What would that process look like?  Should you try it for a day, week or month?

2.  Think of a situation during the past week when someone has asked you a difficult question.  Could an initial response of, "It's complicated," have helped to better frame the conversation and possibly bring about a more positive resolution?

3.  Discuss recent situations that have seemed simple, yet are actually quite complex.  Although you may have had a "simple" or quick solution, there is a lot more going on.  Did your fast approach eliminate an opportunity to provide a better client experience, close additional sales, or identify a way to gain a competitive edge?

If you need help, contact me.