Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / 3 Strands

Last Friday I encouraged you to take a weekend Sanctuary for personal accountability.  Weekly accountability for yourself and your people is critical to success.  Here is a brief introduction to our 3 Strands© process:

SYSTEMATIC LEADER NOTE:  Goals without accountability are a recipe for failure.

A person's 3 Strands are the 1-3 most important milestones or tasks they must complete during the upcoming week to move closer to achieving their annual goals.

  1. Never define more than 3 Strands so you stay focused.
  2. List your 3 Strands in order of priority.
  3. Review them at the start and end of each day.
  4. Require your direct reports to submit their 3 Strands to you weekly by Monday at 9:00 a.m.

The inspiration behind calling this "3Strands" is from Ecclesiastes 4:12, which says:

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."

Individually each week's 3 Strands activities may not seem very important, but collectively they are a "20 Mile Challenge" towards achieving meaningful work each year.  Over time your progress through these three weekly activities also:

  1. Protects your people from failure or ongoing mistakes;
  2. Systematically builds a fortress of success;  and
  3. Strengthen your defenses against competitors and anyone who might question your productivity (stay focused).

The discipline of weekly achieving 3 Strands is a strong climbing "rope" (or cord) to reach your vision of success (whatever you have defined success to be).

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Daily W.I.N.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Sorry & Team P.I.P.