Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Sorry & Team P.I.P.

Day 1
A few months ago we became convinced we needed to sell more in our emails.  Thus... we started sending email blasts more often.

The problem is... overloading your Inbox with requests to buy does not help people and helping people is what my work is all about.  I made a mistake and I feel terrible about it.  With very rare exception, the sales emails stopped yesterday.

I am sorry.  Will you please forgive me for following some bad advice?

Here's the new plan.  I will give regular, often daily, LEADERSHIP Tips for you to become a better, Systematic Leader.  Here is a start:

Earlier this week my newsletter encouraged you to make a decision:  Is your company a Family or a Team?  It should be a team.

What is one action you can take today to become a winning team?

Identify one or more people who are not performing up to your standards.  Take a week to develop a draft Performance Improvement Plan ("P.I.P.") for the person to demonstrate their can become a fully engaged team member, or be let go.  Work with 1-2 other people if possible to develop it.

The Performance Improvement Plan should be:
  • A maximum of 1 page in length, and preferably only one side of the page
  • Have 3 clear, measurable results-oriented objectives
  • Have clear behavioral expectations for them, and from them to you 

    Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader because inconsistency hurts.
David Russell, CEO

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / 3 Strands


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Sanctuary This Weekend